Jay was created in 2011 as a service to help people who have obesity problems and people everywhere find vegetarian, vegan, and healthy food choices. Today, our online community is powered by dedicated members from around the world who are passionate about the vegetarian and vegan lifestyle as a healthy, compassionate, and environmentally sustainable way of living.
By Chi
Easy ways to lose weight
Nowadays, demand of losing weight is increasing rapidly. Following that trend, there are many fast and effective losing weight ways including traditional ways such as diet or physical exercises and even plastic surgery would help people to lose weight extremely fast without waiting for the time. However, there are very simple ways to lose weight without spending too much money. Here are some ways that everyone can do everywhere:
1. Taking the stairs:
Doing physical exercises is a very effective way to lose weight since it is really good for your health in both losing and gaining weight. In this busy life, people often do not have time to do exercises and life is now equipped with high technology, people seem to be lazier. Thus, take the stairs whenever you can to burn your calories as much as you can. Using stairs instead of lifts helps busy people much.
2. No close parking spot to lose weight
This is the same idea as the first way. In order to burn calories in busy day, people should park further away. By this way, you also can save time on driving in circles to find parking space.
3. Keep a food journal to lose weight motivation
Controlling and balancing calories eating every meals everyday are very important in losing weight. You should try to make notes of what you eat for a week then review all. From that, you can plan your healthy eating for the weeks following.
4. Be easy on bread and soft drink
To lose weight, people should avoid bread and soft drinks, a danger which causes obesity. This fact might be known by everyone. Even diet soda is not good for overweight people.
5. Drink an 8 ounce glass of water before you eat a meal
By Chi
Our Mission
Our mission is to help people in society stay healthy. And then we will build healthy food empire in Australia. We will deliver new and exciting food experienced to customers. Every person will know our name and it will become standard food to Australian in next ten years. Jay Co. will introduce the vegan diet food in difference experience that no one never done it before and it will significantly impact the change of eating behaviour of Australian people in future. The company will represent the vegan diet food to be not only for Buddhism or Asian but for all everyone who loves healthy.
Stop eating meat
There is no longer any doubt about the fact that eating meat is bad for your health.
The list of diseases known to be associated with meat, which are commoner among meat eaters, looks like the index of a medical textbook.
Anaemia, appendicitis, arthritis, breast cancer, cancer of the colon, cancer of the prostate, constipation, diabetes, gall stones, gout, high blood pressure, indigestion, obesity, piles, strokes and varicose veins are just some of the well known disorders which are more likely to affect meat eaters than vegetarians. Avoiding meat is one of the best and simplest ways to cut down your fat consumption.
Those who still eat beef are, in my view, foolishly exposing themselves to the risk of contracting the horrifying human version of Mad Cow Disease.
Add to those hazards the fact that if you eat meat you may be consuming hormones, drugs and other chemicals that have been fed to the animals before they were killed and you can see the extent of the danger. No one knows precisely what effect eating the hormones in meat is likely to have on your health. But the risk is there and I think it's a big one. Some farmers use tranquillisers to keep animals calm. Others routinely use antibiotics so that their animals do not develop infections. When you eat meat you are, inevitably, eating those drugs. In America, over half of all antibiotics are fed to animals and I don't think it is any coincidence that the percentage of staphylococci infections resistant to penicillin went up from 13% in 1960 to 91% in 1988.
The healthiness of a vegetarian diet is perhaps shown most dramatically by the fact that lifelong vegetarians visit hospitals 22% less often than meat eaters - and for shorter stays! Vegetarians tend to be fitter than meat eaters - as well as healthier - and many of the world's most successful athletes (particularly those who specialize in endurance events) follow a strictly vegetarian diet.
It is the fat in meat that does most harm - and which makes meat eating an even bigger health hazard than smoking - but don't think you can avoid the dangers simply by avoiding red meat because you cannot. If you want to eat a truly healthy diet then you must give up eating meat completely.
There are, of course, all sorts of old-fashioned myths about eating meat. It used to be claimed that people who didn't eat meat would be short of protein. But that is now known to be absolute nonsense. And it is equally untrue that if you don't eat meat your diet will be deficient in essential vitamins or minerals.
Meat contains absolutely nothing - no protein, vitamins or minerals - that your body cannot obtain perfectly happily from a vegetarian diet. Becoming healthier isn't the only reason for turning green.
Many of those who stop eating meat do so for moral and ethical reasons as much as for personal gain.
Every minute of every working day thousands of animals are killed in slaughterhouses. Many animals are bled to death. Pain and misery are commonplace - for animals suffer from pain and fear just as much as you do.
In an average lifetime the average meat eater will consume 36 pigs, 36 sheep and 750 chickens and turkeys. More and more people are deciding that they just don't want that much carnage on their consciences. It is never too late to stop eating meat.
Jay is an Asian restaurant which sells healthy and diet foods. To understand clearly our restaurant’s foods, let’s learn a little bit knowledge about Asian diet.
Basically, Asian diet has long history with thousands of years. Asian people offer plant foods like rice, fresh fruits and vegetables for their diet. It is different from Western diets when fish is used instead of meat as main dish.
From the other side, it is not just about losing weight by diets, it is about religion. They often eat vegetarian foods for some fixed days per years, per months as traditions. It is very healthy so Asians are the longest lived people in the world. There are less people die because of cancer, heart disease and obesity. Asian ways of diets is very healthy, low in fat, high in fiber and full of fresh vegetables and fruits. Specifically, there are major types of Asian diets:
· East Asian food (China, Japan, Korea)
· Southeast Asian food (Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia and Singapore)
· Southern Asian food (India)
Every types have own way of diets but in general, some daily foods are recommended for diet:
· Grains and breads: noodles, corn, millet.
· Vegetables: carrots, cabbage, green leafy vegetables, onions
· Fruit
· Nuts and legumes:
· Vegetable oils
· Optional daily foods: dairy products and fish.
Blood types
Do you know that to lose weight, eating healthy should be suitable with your blood types? There is one kind of diet based on theory that body interacts with foods differently based on blood types. It is because foods have proteins affect intestines and stomachs depending on your blood types. This interactions can cause lose weight but also gain weight and other health issues as well. That is reason why knowing clearly what types of blood you have then choose suitable foods.
Here are some foods that good for each blood:
Type AB: Omnivorous diet, a balanced diet of vegetables, meat and dairy. Tofu, seafood and pineapples recommended for weight loss
Type A: Strict vegetarian diet, but must be very low in fat and dairy products, lots of nuts, seeds, legumes and soy-based products. Carbohydrates and coffee are allowed
Type B: Omnivorous diet, moderate meat intake and lots of dairy. Green vegetables, eggs, venison and liver will help weight loss
Type O: High in protein and red meat, low on carbohydrates, dairy and vegetables. No cabbage, brussel sprouts and cauliflower. No coffee. You're allowed seafood, liver, spinach and broccoli.
Hope that from this entry, useful knowledge is given to help effective diets.
By Chi
Healthy Crisis----Junk food
It is true that our health crisis (due to junk food consumption) and obesity are creating the most dysfunctional people on the planet. You can see the craziness and death everywhere you look. Junk food become human general food without noticing a big impact after consumes it. Big companies like McDonald or KFC pretend themselves that they are not junk food anymore. There are many ways they did to persuade people to believe that their foods are healthy enough for society. We all know that it’s not true! They are lying, Junk food still grow obesity problem in western society and it will become problem in all around world nearly in future. Imagine, if we leave this issue without solution, let them do what they want. They make profit a billion dollars every year but they don’t care what will happen to our children. New generations don’t even know how bad will happen to them because they eat standard food. It’s everywhere.
How we stop those things, how little voice can be against giant like McDonald or KFC. I write this blog to give example of group of people who do something to change the society. This is a small group who doesn’t afraid to stand against largest company in the world. They called themselves as McCruelty.
What they do is to show how McDonald is ridiculous. They kill million of chickens, Chickens killed for McDonald's are slaughtered using an outdated method that results in extreme suffering. As one of the biggest sellers of chicken meat, McDonald's has the responsibility—and the ability—to reduce this abuse by demanding that its U.S. and Canadian suppliers use a less cruel slaughter method. This might not be doing it for stopping McDonald producing junk food for consumers. However, this action make a lot of people agree with McCruelty organisation since cruelty is revealed. McDonald’s reputation is gone down, some people stop buying. This organisation process is not meant to persuade people to believe that McDonald products are junk but they play with people’s ethic. This is because people usually ignore future impact on what they did and what they eat. They don’t care. However, using ethic process put in people mind, it is more effectively. As this story, I can say that there is not impossible to change people mind, it depend on how your process will be. There are a lot alternative foods for people, vegetarian or other healthy food which can be overcome problem of junk food. Don’t be shy, if you think society gone wrong, so change it!
By Wasan
Some facts that makes Asian thinner than Australian
Some facts that makes Asian thinner than Australian
1. Less high calories snack:
In Australia, I can easily found many types of snack, which contain high calories all around. People eat snack when they feel like to have and they did consume a lot during the day. Those snack give you significant amount of energy that you probably don’t need to use. This habit is so common in many different ages. In other hand, many Asia countries like Vietnam don’t have much snack like this. I not telling that there is no snack in Asian but they usually low calories. Because of the Western culture effect on the new generation, they start eating the high calorie snack now a day.
2. Eat late.
Normally, we used to have dinner about 6pm. That is the right time for stomach work to consume the food and make energy for the rest night. I saw a lot Australian-my friends have dinner very late and sleep after that. Human body is easy gain fat at night and due to the bad habit your body even fatter.
3. Less liquid with high calories.
Coke or Pepsi are very popular in many Western country and Australia. Those drinks also contain calories 5 times higher that a cup of tea has, which Asian people usually have as the traditional drink. When anyone visits our house we offer them tea first for beginning the conversation.
4. Balance intake.
It’s very important that you control your food take in every day. I have experience many of my friends skip or have a small dinner after have a big lunch. They eat for what they need not what they want.
5. Less Dessert.
Many times I have been to many restaurant, which have dessert in the menu but I rarely order those dessert because they are so sweet and high calories as well. Asian often eats fruits after dinner. There is no such a
“dessert” meal in Asia eating tradition like here.
6. Remind
I come back to Vietnam last November for traditional holiday called Tet. I met a lot of my friends and the first thing that they said to me is “pig”. I did put on some weighs that makes them notice that I’m getting fatter. Maybe it’s rude in Australia culture but that’s ok in Vietnam to remind your friends that they are fatter. They make me aware of my weight and think of what will I have for my dinner in the future. Australian friends did not event notice or if they did, they would never dream of mentioning it.
By Hung
Your Choice Wether Choose "Jay"
By Howard
Jay was created in 2011 as a service to help people who have obesity problems and people everywhere find vegetarian, vegan, and healthy food choices. Today, our online community is powered by dedicated members from around the world who are passionate about the vegetarian and vegan lifestyle as a healthy, compassionate, and environmentally sustainable way of living.
Our company’s site dedicated to bringing you all the up to date information and dietary advice that will enable you to live a healthy vigorous lifestyle by eating healthily using a “Jay” diet.
We are not here to advocate the rights and wrongs of eating meat or whether or not you should eat meat - that is for you and your conscience to decide.
What we are here to do is to give you the information that will enable you to decide for yourself whether or not eating “Jay” will enhance your good health and even add years to your life.
We will look at such things as how taking on a “Jay” diet can enhance the lifestyle of those who already lead healthy lives. We will deal with the effects of a “Jay” lifestyle on the various sections of society such as children and those of more mature age. And we have a very definite interest in how becoming “Jay” can aid with such health issues such as obesity, heart is ease, osteoporosis, cancer etc. as well as its benefits during pregnancy.
One person die hundreds people cries, millions people dies no one cry.
This is the picture that I accidentally found on the web. It makes me think a lot. Everyone knows and recognize about Steve Jobs the co-founder of the most value company in the world - Apple. He was a brilliant person that millions people admire and respect. Because of all of his contributions to the world’s. Apple is not only a technology company but it’s way over more than that. It’s a trend maker which can easily make millions of people follow and worship. Apple is like a religion. People buys the Apple product is not for the basic used such as an iPhone is not for calling or messaging but because of the ideal, the way that iPhone can do things. Those ways are the sold of the product. It’s special and unique that no other phone can archive. Maybe I don’t have to say more or explain more about this because Apple and its product is so famous as well as Steve Jobs. Those succeed of Apple had a very important part of Steve Jobs. All of what I have mentioned above is to show how great he was. When he dies, millions people mourn for a great person. But it’s understandable that people cries or feel sorry for Steve Jobs. What about the other million children are dying everyday in Africa. Africa is where people used to call the third world that facing with many diseases such as HIV, hunger, etc. Why are these people have to dies without any tear left for them? It’s not understandable. Jay restaurant is not only care about the Australia society’s healthy but also the world. We believe that those 100 million people that cries for Steve Jobs can also save their tear and the other Million children are dying. Steve Jobs want it too.
By Hung
Stupid ways to diet
This is a story of my friend live in my house. There are two girls in the next door want to loose weight because of many reasons but mainly that they want to be more beautiful in their friends. I have seen a lot of their friends tip them about ways to loose weight quickly. One of that ways was cut down the meal and only eat fruit or even eat one meal per day. They were so excited about that because there is a chance for them to change their looks. They followed the method strictly and patient. To double the efficiency, which they thought, they only have one meal per day and it’s all fruit. Every time I invite them something they would deny. For the first few days, they seem tire and did not do much along the day. It’s logical due to the energy that they take in nearly zero. We tried to stop the girls but they were too stubborn to listen. Until they cannot stand anymore when they understand that it won’t work for them. Finally, they take the normal meal that they used to have but now they eat a lot like a hunger. I’m sure that you cannot imagine how bad they look at that time. It’s not the worst part of the story, when eating too much since a long time “diet” as these girls, their stomach cannot handle too much food that can really hurt them. They have to go to the hospital then. That was a lesson for those who tried to loose weight crazily. It’s very harmful for your health when you are not diet in the right way. Many diet methods that can cause other suffer such as gallstone, damage to brain cells, osteoporosis or hair loss. Jay concerns about the way you and your friends diet. Be a smart dieter!
Strength training
Our products are less fat for people, however after you eating, you still need to some exercises keep your body fitness and healthy. we are listing some training programes which are not need to go to gym, you can do all of them or any of them at home or whereever you want.
Here is a strength training programme that will complement your cardio activity.
Start on your hands and knees. Knees are together and hands are slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, with arms straight and elbows soft (ie. don’t lock your elbows). Slowly lower your torso to the ground, stopping once your elbows are at 90 degrees. Raise your body by pushing up to the starting position. Complete two sets of 8-12 repetitions.
Stand with your feet hip-width apart, with knees slightly bent and hands by your side. Bending your knees, slowly lower yourself as if you were about to sit on a seat while slowly raising your arms straight in front of you. Stop when your thighs are parallel to the floor and your arms are at shoulder height. Hold for three seconds, then push yourself back to the starting position. Do two sets of 8-12 repetitions.
With your feet hip-width apart, step your right foot forward. This is your starting position. Lower yourself slowly, stopping before your left knee hits the ground. Keeping this form, slowly raise yourself to the starting position. This counts as one repetition on your right leg. Change legs and repeat the same up-down motion. Do two sets of 8-12 repetitions on each leg.
Sitting on the ball, walk your feet forward and lower your back slowly so it’s flat. Cross your arms over your chest, making sure your heels are directly under your knees. Brace your abdominal muscles and push your lower back into the ball as you slowly curl up. Stop at 45 degrees, or when you start to feel your stomach shake. Hold for three seconds before lowering. Do two sets of 15-20 repetitions.
Lie on your back with your hands behind your head. Rest your heels on an exercise ball or chair. Pushing your lower back into the floor, lift your shoulder blades off the floor, then twist your right elbow towards your left knee (they do not need to touch). Hold for three seconds before lowering yourself back to the starting position. Complete with your left arm. Do two sets of 15-20 repetitions on each side.
Lie on your right side with your head resting on your outstretched right arm and your left hand resting on your left hip. Your right leg on the floor can be bent for stability. Raise your left leg slowly, stopping at a comfortable height, then gently lower your left leg to the floor. Repeat 8-12 times. Repeat the exercise with your right leg to complete one set. Do two sets.
By Howard
Here is a strength training programme that will complement your cardio activity.
Start on your hands and knees. Knees are together and hands are slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, with arms straight and elbows soft (ie. don’t lock your elbows). Slowly lower your torso to the ground, stopping once your elbows are at 90 degrees. Raise your body by pushing up to the starting position. Complete two sets of 8-12 repetitions.
- Do keep your bottom down, lowering it with the rest of your body. Keep your abdominal muscles switched on through the whole move.
- Don’t drop your neck – keep it straight.
Stand with your feet hip-width apart, with knees slightly bent and hands by your side. Bending your knees, slowly lower yourself as if you were about to sit on a seat while slowly raising your arms straight in front of you. Stop when your thighs are parallel to the floor and your arms are at shoulder height. Hold for three seconds, then push yourself back to the starting position. Do two sets of 8-12 repetitions.
- Do keep your back straight and heels flat on the floor. Keep your abdominal muscles braced.
- Don’t let your knees come over your toes.
With your feet hip-width apart, step your right foot forward. This is your starting position. Lower yourself slowly, stopping before your left knee hits the ground. Keeping this form, slowly raise yourself to the starting position. This counts as one repetition on your right leg. Change legs and repeat the same up-down motion. Do two sets of 8-12 repetitions on each leg.
- Do keep your abdominals braced. Your front knee should be directly above your ankle.
- Don’t lean forward. Keep your back straight and your knee travelling straight ahead – but not beyond your toes.
Exercise ball sit-ups
Sitting on the ball, walk your feet forward and lower your back slowly so it’s flat. Cross your arms over your chest, making sure your heels are directly under your knees. Brace your abdominal muscles and push your lower back into the ball as you slowly curl up. Stop at 45 degrees, or when you start to feel your stomach shake. Hold for three seconds before lowering. Do two sets of 15-20 repetitions.
- Do complete this exercise slowly.
- Don’t come up too far.
Sit-up obliques
Lie on your back with your hands behind your head. Rest your heels on an exercise ball or chair. Pushing your lower back into the floor, lift your shoulder blades off the floor, then twist your right elbow towards your left knee (they do not need to touch). Hold for three seconds before lowering yourself back to the starting position. Complete with your left arm. Do two sets of 15-20 repetitions on each side.
- Do keep your elbows back, level with your head, when you do the exercise – except when you twist towards your knee.
- Don’t pull your head up with your hands. Your neck needs to remain straight.
Lying leg raises
Lie on your right side with your head resting on your outstretched right arm and your left hand resting on your left hip. Your right leg on the floor can be bent for stability. Raise your left leg slowly, stopping at a comfortable height, then gently lower your left leg to the floor. Repeat 8-12 times. Repeat the exercise with your right leg to complete one set. Do two sets.
- Do try one set with toes pointed during the exercise. Do the second set with feet flexed, ie. soles flat as if you were standing.
- Don’t ’throw’ your leg up. Complete the exercise slowly. Take your time – it’s not a race.
By Howard
Jay's Concept and Recipes
Our company is not only focus on running restaurants, we are also would like to teach people (all kind of people [especially obesity group]) who would like to have healthy, delicious and fresh food and drinks every day. Since Australia is a multinational nation, there are lot different races around this country, thus to satisfy as many as races as we can, we try to collect recipes as many as possible from other countries and then renovate new recipes which suit for all races.
To make our recipes more interesting and attractive, we will design new or modified old recipes for different seasons. According to Asian dietitians, a food that is in season because that is when you get the most flavor and nutritional value and when it is the most affordable. For the greatest freshness look for foods that are locally grown and are in season.
Every day we have three main times to eat food to suffice our body demand for energy, breakfast, lunch and dinner. If we take enough food (which contain enough energy) every dinning time, people don’t need to eat food other times outside of dinning times. For instance, Replace your morning juice with skim milk and lose weight, says new Australian research. The study found that a glass of skim milk with your toast or breakfast cereal reduces mid-morning munchies more than a glass of juice does. In fact, milk drinkers ate 10% less food four hours after breakfast than those who drank juice for breakfast. According to the researchers, such a change in appetite could potentially help with weight management (University of Western Australia, 2009).
Thus we recommend people to drink milk instead of other morning drinks for their breakfast, which is not only healthy (as we know milk contain lot of element that human bodies are needed), but also to reduce people eat food outside of dinning times.
According to Asian eating tradition, we are always recommended by people to eat breakfast (if you don’t eat it, your stomach will be hurt, and then you will over eat in lunch time which will double hurt your stomach and increase the chance to get overweight). Second, eat as much as you can to full fill your stomach during lunch time (just enough but not too much), because you are far from off duty, if you don’t eat which is bad for you stomach but if you eat something contain high protein, surge etc which is high risks to get fat.
For more information about Healthy food
1. Haas EM. Staying healthy with the seasons. Celestial Arts, Berkeley, CA 1981.
2. Igarashi O. The Significance of the Issuance of the 5th Revision of the Japanese Standard Tables of Food Components on Study and Research on Vitamins and Diseases. 36th Vitamin Information Center Press Seminar. Tokyo, Japan 2001.
3. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Nutrient analysis of liquid pasteurized milk. Food Surveillance Information Sheets, Number 128 1997.
4. Pitchford P. Healing with whole foods. Revised edition. North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, CA 1993.
By Howard
Strategies for special occasions - Party planning
Christmas parties are fun, but they can be a trap when we’re trying to lose weight. Here are strategies for avoiding nibble overload:
- Compensate during the rest of the day. This doesn’t mean not eating – it means choosing carefully and not being so hungry you pig out at the party. The prospect of late nights and alcohol make good nutrition all the more important.
- Go for small amounts. Try one of each canapé, eat slowly and enjoy. ‘Tis the season to be jolly, but also the season to eat slowly.
- Beware of nuts. They are too easy to eat and full of fat. Try shelled varieties like pistachios which take slightly longer to eat.
- Don’t stand near the food. Remember – easy access encourages mindless picking.
- At a buffet. Have more of fewer foods, rather than a little of lots. This eating strategy will mean you will more likely eat less overall.
- If you’re throwing a party, offer alternatives. Avoid pastries and cheeses. Include platters of vegetable sticks to accompany dips instead of chips. Chopped fresh fruit is a refreshing addition to any party, indoor or out.
By Howard
Overweight due to eating Habit of Kids
Kids should eat less at fast food restaurants and those businesses should not using “trick” marketing strategies to attract kids to go to their restaurants. They can’t vote, they can’t smoke, they can’t watch rated R movies, but they can kill themselves with poisonous foods. Those poor obese kids are heading down a long path of health problems.
As we know fast food is one of the main reasons that make people fat and bring lot healthy issues to people in today society, especially kids, adults can control themselves sometimes, but kids don’t have autonomy to control themselves in any situation.
We cannot solve healthy problems of people in one day; it is a long term goal. We should take care of healthy from our daily life, we cannot stop eating foods due to lot objective and subjective reasons, but we could eat less, it is the first step to improve our health.
Some people think people get fat because of a lack of exercise, however from various of research around world, lack of exercise is not to blame for increased levels of childhood obesity, scientists have claimed. A new report suggests that physical inactivity appears to be the result of fatness, not its cause.
Researchers now believe that overfeeding by parents and children eating more junk food is the root cause of weight gain.
The report also said targeting nutrition rather than exercise was the best way to help obese children lose weight.
The EarlyBird team followed more than 200 children in Plymouth over three years, monitoring their fat and exercise levels at regular intervals.
They found that body fat levels had an effect on physical activity, but that varying activity did not lead to any changes in fatness.
The paper, published in the Archives of Disease in Childhood, suggests that overweight children may think about their body negatively, shying away from sports and exercise as a result.
Dr David Haslam, from the National Obesity Forum, welcomed the study but cautioned that the wider health benefits of exercise for children must not be overlooked.
He told the BBC: 'The EarlyBird team really force us to question our comfortable assumptions regarding childhood obesity. What we, as clinicians must do, is nod reverently at their work, learn lessons from it, and reappraise our own practices accordingly.
What we shouldn't do is take the paper at face value and allow lean children to be as lazy as they please, as that would be a catastrophic mistake.'
A Department of Health spokesman added: 'We are committed to tackling childhood obesity and this study provides some useful messages on the importance of a child's early years and the impact this can have on their future health and behavior.
We will consider this evidence alongside other research which has different findings on the link between physical activity and weight when we are developing our policy to produce better public health outcomes.'
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by Howard
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Nowadays, demand of losing weight is increasing rapidly. Following that trend, there are many fast and effective losing weight ways includi...
Kids should eat less at fast food restaurants and those businesses should not using “trick” marketing strategies to attract kids to go to th...
There is no longer any doubt about the fact that eating meat is bad for your health. The list of diseases known to be associated with meat, ...