
Healthy Crisis----Junk food

It is true that our health crisis (due to junk food consumption) and obesity are creating the most dysfunctional people on the planet. You can see the craziness and death everywhere you look. Junk food become human general food without noticing a big impact after consumes it. Big companies like McDonald or KFC pretend themselves that they are not junk food anymore. There are many ways they did to persuade people to believe that their foods are healthy enough for society. We all know that it’s not true! They are lying, Junk food still grow obesity problem in western society and it will become problem in all around world nearly in future. Imagine, if we leave this issue without solution, let them do what they want. They make profit a billion dollars every year but they don’t care what will happen to our children. New generations don’t even know how bad will happen to them because they eat standard food. It’s everywhere.
How we stop those things, how little voice can be against giant like McDonald or KFC. I write this blog to give example of group of people who do something to change the society. This is a small group who doesn’t afraid to stand against largest company in the world. They called themselves as McCruelty.
What they do is to show how McDonald is ridiculous. They kill million of chickens, Chickens killed for McDonald's are slaughtered using an outdated method that results in extreme suffering. As one of the biggest sellers of chicken meat, McDonald's has the responsibility—and the ability—to reduce this abuse by demanding that its U.S. and Canadian suppliers use a less cruel slaughter method. This might not be doing it for stopping McDonald producing junk food for consumers. However, this action make a lot of people agree with McCruelty organisation since cruelty is revealed. McDonald’s reputation is gone down, some people stop buying. This organisation process is not meant to persuade people to believe that McDonald products are junk but they play with people’s ethic. This is because people usually ignore future impact on what they did and what they eat. They don’t care. However, using ethic process put in people mind, it is more effectively. As this story, I can say that there is not impossible to change people mind, it depend on how your process will be. There are a lot alternative foods for people, vegetarian or other healthy food which can be overcome problem of junk food. Don’t be shy, if you think society gone wrong, so change it!

By Wasan


  1. I think you're right in saying that junkfood surrounds us now, as it can be seen in many places. However I feel this post contains sensationalised facts and I think it would be more helpful to offer alternatives to readers to replace junk food. Although McDoanlds can be viewed as a bad company it is a cheap, easy and quick option that many choose on a regular basis. It may be beneficial to show items on the McDoanlds menu that are healthy if someone does need to eat from McDoanlds - for example, from their healthy choices range. The aim of your company is to help people with obesity problems, and many of these people will visit McDoanlds for a cheap and easy meal, it is important to show them that there are healthy options at McDonalds that they could use instead as it is very difficult to cut out junk food when someone is used to eating it. It is also difficult to find healthy alternatives that are as cheap and easy to find, so it would be very helpful to include a post showing some of these options. As you want your readers to cut out junk food, it would be beneficial to offer them an alternative that is quick and easy but also economically viable. It may be worth providing links to the menus and prices for your restaurant here.

  2. I agree with Maddy, in todays world there are more and more fast food chains being opened up all over the country, and more often than not these fast food chains are not the most healthiest option, but people will still visit and spend money here as it is an easy, convenient and relatively cheaper option. A really good example of this that i came across was when travelling inter state. When driving inter state generally there are pit stops that you can make quite frequently, and all these spots are well equipped with fuel and also unhealthy fast food restaurants like mc donalds and kfc and people always go for this option because its quick n easy, even though it isn't too good on your health. I think the best way to get the ball rolling on this healthy food option is to get the message across to customers as directly as possible, but also by making these food options as readily available as possible, the best way to do this would be to get brand recognition to an extremely high level and having restaurants in strategic locations which allow convenience to potential customers.



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