
Some facts that makes Asian thinner than Australian

Some facts that makes Asian thinner than Australian
1.     Less high calories snack:

In Australia, I can easily found many types of snack, which contain high calories all around. People eat snack when they feel like to have and they did consume a lot during the day. Those snack give you significant amount of energy that you probably don’t need to use. This habit is so common in many different ages. In other hand, many Asia countries like Vietnam don’t have much snack like this. I not telling that there is no snack in Asian but they usually low calories. Because of the Western culture effect on the new generation, they start eating the high calorie snack now a day.

2.     Eat late.

Normally, we used to have dinner about 6pm. That is the right time for stomach work to consume the food and make energy for the rest night. I saw a lot Australian-my friends have dinner very late and sleep after that. Human body is easy gain fat at night and due to the bad habit your body even fatter.

3.    Less liquid with high calories.

Coke or Pepsi are very popular in many Western country and Australia. Those drinks also contain calories 5 times higher that a cup of tea has, which Asian people usually have as the traditional drink. When anyone visits our house we offer them tea first for beginning the conversation.

4.     Balance intake.

It’s very important that you control your food take in every day. I have experience many of my friends skip or have a small dinner after have a big lunch. They eat for what they need not what they want.

5.     Less Dessert.

Many times I have been to many restaurant, which have dessert in the menu but I rarely order those dessert because they are so sweet and high calories as well. Asian often eats fruits after dinner. There is no such a
“dessert” meal in Asia eating tradition like here.

6.     Remind

I come back to Vietnam last November for traditional holiday called Tet. I met a lot of my friends and the first thing that they said to me is “pig”. I did put on some weighs that makes them notice that I’m getting fatter. Maybe it’s rude in Australia culture but that’s ok in Vietnam to remind your friends that they are fatter. They make me aware of my weight and think of what will I have for my dinner in the future. Australian friends did not event notice or if they did, they would never dream of mentioning it.

By Hung

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