

Jay is an Asian restaurant which sells healthy and diet foods. To understand clearly our restaurant’s foods, let’s learn a little bit knowledge about Asian diet.
Basically, Asian diet has long history with thousands of years. Asian people offer plant foods like rice, fresh fruits and vegetables for their diet. It is different from Western diets when fish is used instead of meat as main dish.
From the other side, it is not just about losing weight by diets, it is about religion. They often eat vegetarian foods for some fixed days per years, per months as traditions. It is very healthy so Asians are the longest lived people in the world. There are less people die because of cancer, heart disease and obesity. Asian ways of diets is very healthy, low in fat, high in fiber and full of fresh vegetables and fruits. Specifically, there are major types of Asian diets:
·         East Asian food (China, Japan, Korea)
·         Southeast Asian food (Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia and Singapore)
·         Southern Asian food (India)
Every types have own way of diets but in general, some daily foods are recommended for diet:
·         Grains and breads: noodles, corn, millet.
·         Vegetables: carrots, cabbage, green leafy vegetables, onions
·         Fruit
·         Nuts and legumes:
·         Vegetable oils
·         Optional daily foods: dairy products and fish.

by Chi

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