
Strategies for special occasions - Party planning

Christmas parties are fun, but they can be a trap when we’re trying to lose weight. Here are strategies for avoiding nibble overload:
  • Compensate during the rest of the day. This doesn’t mean not eating – it means choosing carefully and not being so hungry you pig out at the party. The prospect of late nights and alcohol make good nutrition all the more important.
  • Go for small amounts. Try one of each canapé, eat slowly and enjoy. ‘Tis the season to be jolly, but also the season to eat slowly.
  • Beware of nuts. They are too easy to eat and full of fat. Try shelled varieties like pistachios which take slightly longer to eat.
  • Don’t stand near the food. Remember – easy access encourages mindless picking.
  • At a buffet. Have more of fewer foods, rather than a little of lots. This eating strategy will mean you will more likely eat less overall.
  • If you’re throwing a party, offer alternatives. Avoid pastries and cheeses. Include platters of vegetable sticks to accompany dips instead of chips. Chopped fresh fruit is a refreshing addition to any party, indoor or out.
By Howard

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