
Easy ways to lose weight

Nowadays, demand of losing weight is increasing rapidly. Following that trend, there are many fast and effective losing weight ways including traditional ways such as diet or physical exercises and even plastic surgery would help people to lose weight extremely fast without waiting for the time. However, there are very simple ways to lose weight without spending too much money. Here are some ways that everyone can do everywhere:
1.       Taking the stairs:
Doing physical exercises is a very effective way to lose weight since it is really good for your health in both losing and gaining weight. In this busy life, people often do not have time to do exercises and life is now equipped with high technology, people seem to be lazier. Thus, take the stairs whenever you can to burn your calories as much as you can. Using stairs instead of lifts helps busy people much.
2.       No close parking spot to  lose weight
This is the same idea as the first way. In order to burn calories in busy day, people should park further away. By this way, you also can save time on driving in circles to find parking space.
3.       Keep a food journal to lose weight motivation
Controlling and balancing calories eating every meals everyday are very important in losing weight. You should try to make notes of what you eat for a week then review all. From that, you can plan your healthy eating for the weeks following.
4.       Be easy on bread and soft drink
To lose weight, people should avoid bread and soft drinks, a danger which causes obesity. This fact might be known by everyone. Even diet soda is not good for overweight people.
5.       Drink an 8 ounce glass of water before you eat a meal
Water is one of the most significant elements in losing weight. Drink water anytime you can. Moreover, drinking water before eating will not be dissolving stomach juice you need for a proper digestion, and you will be able to take the edge off your hunger.

By Chi

1 comment:

  1. Parking further away is such a good idea. It just goes to show how just changing your day to day behaviour can improve your quality of life. When I read this I thought of my Dad always searching for the closest car parks at the shopping centre haha. I'll fill him in about this next time we're out.


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